I-96 traveling WEST from Detroit -- Exit at Beech Daly, turn left (south) at light onto Beech Daly,continue to West Chicago, turn right (west) onto West Chicago -- continue to St. Michael's.
I-96 traveling EAST - exit at Inkster Road, at light turn right (south) onto Inkster, continue to West Chicago, turn left (east) onto West Chicago -- continue to St. Michael's
Traveling North/South on Telegraph - continue to West Chicago, travel west on West Chicago to St. Michael's
Traveling North/South on I-275 continue to I-96 East, exit at Inkster Road, at light turn right (south) onto Inkster, continue to West Chicago, turn left (east) onto West Chicago -- continue to St. Michael's
From Detroit Metropolitan Airport -- take Merriman Road north to right (east) onto Cherry Hill Road, to left (north) onto Inkster Road, to right (east) onto West Chicago